BOURG EL ARAB - Borg El Arab Saline is located to the west of Alexandria, It has 27.6 million square meters in a naturally clean area away from sources of pollution which was reflected in the quality of salt produced. The production of Borg El Arab for the years (2009/2010) 100 thousand tons amount. Borg El Arab Saline was established in 1982 on the basic design capacity of 500 thousand tons/ year. When the saline began production in 1989 agriculture leak pollution was found in the concentration pond which led to a halt in production due to the inability to run the saline, Also we have found infiltration and seepage of underground and sub surface water and springs .This happend due to the increased agriculture use of the land in the 7 years since the establishment of the saline production facility.This with the presence of defects in the soil of the ponds since the establishment of the saline led to only partial use of the saline, We did irregular small brine cycles from the saline in 2003 After intense efforts by the company, the agriculture drainage was diverted by December 2006 which stopped completely the pollution in the concentration ponds. After stopping the agriculture drainage, several studies were done by experts from the company on the alternatives of improving the situation in the saline, and the production increased until it reached 100 thousand tons in 2009/2010. In accordance with recommendations of the general assembly to the company for the necessity of bringing in specialist experts in the field of solar salines from abroad to identify the saline’s problems and propose procedures needed for improving the situation. The company brought in 2 special experts in design and operation of the solar salines from the United States, Also in attendance was an expert from Belgium employed by the Solvay Company. The experts submitted reports in August 2009 and March 2010 and concluded that there are major defects. The amounts of underground, sub surface water and springs which infiltrated water in the ponds in undefined amounts from many sources and places. The seepage from outside the ponds in very large amounts. The Ground of the ponds are a mixture of sand and clay (permissible). Several proposals have been put to improve this situation , All required further extensive studies and remedial work ,the cost will be high, but by following the proposals it is expected to increase production by about double to 200 thousand tons/year or more, but unlikely it will not reach 500 thousand tons /year .